④We can t fake the way we fell/我们不会伪装 ④We were born to keep it real/我们天性率直 ④Hockey sticks and balls of stell/挥舞的曲棍球杆,飞扬的钢球 ④We are St Trinian s/我们是St Trinian s ④You bite us,we ll bite you back/以牙还牙,以眼还眼 ④Better be scared when we attack/我们奋勇向前,威震四方 ④Feel the fear,we re maniacss/我们激情四射,豪情万丈 ④St Trinian s/St Trinian s ④Chack out our battle cry/听!我们的战斗号角 ④A song to terrify/多么嘹亮 ④No-one can stand in our way/我们所向披靡 ④We are the best/我们最为出色 ④So screw the rest/没战必胜 ④We do as we dame well please/我们定能成功 ④Until the end/直到最后 ④St Trinian s/St Trinian s ④Defenders of anarchy/自由的卫士 ④We are the best/最强的团队 ④So screw the rest/制敌的中坚 ④We do as we dame well please/我们定能成功 ④Until the end/直到最后 ④St Trinian s/St Trinian s ④Defenders of anarchy/自由的卫士 ④St Trinian s/St Trinian s ④So scam all the toffs/我们愚弄伪君子 ④the neats and the freaks/洁癖者还有那些怪胎 ④Blankmail the goths/勒索野蛮人 ④the slap编辑于2008/10/18更新