除了歌手身份外,Mandy出众的外表受到时尚界的青睐,常出现在杂志上担当平面模特儿,全球知名品牌露得清更是情商Mandy作为产品代言人,使得Mandy 大量曝光在全球各大媒体上,此外MTV音乐台也为Mandy量身订作特别单元邀请她作为节目主持人,而近期被""麻雀变凤凰""、""落跑新娘""导演相中的Mandy即将跃进大萤幕加入新片""The Princess Diaries""演出。朝歌手、模特儿、演员全方面发展的Mandy,自信满满交出第三张心血力作,名制作人Emilio Estefan、James Renald全力催生,首支单曲“In My Pocket”在流行快版节奏中萦绕著中东风情;美丽动人悠扬情歌“Cry”,在小提琴及空心吉他的声线舖排下,更显Mandy 清新丰沛的情感;少女情怀的“Crush”勾勒出纯洁真摰的单恋心情;创作才女黛安华伦谱写的“From Loving You”,听见Mandy宽广婉转的绝佳音域;“When I Talk To You”则是Mandy首度创作曲,感受到她认真执著的态度...一张绝对令你爱不释手的精心专辑。
These days there are more pop tarts on the charts than on the grocery shelves, and it's awfully hard to tell the kewpie pies apart. Granted Mandy Moore isn't exactly heading into Bj?rk territory, but at least the 16-year-old is attempting to stake her own space. Jon Secada and Emilio Estefan Jr. supply Moore with percussive cuts like the single "In My Pocket" which is laced with a sinewy Middle Eastern sound. Moore also offers up jangly, breathy cuts like the heartfelt "17" which suit her cotton-candy vocals nicely. This isn't great art, but it is enjoyable, disposable pop, and that ain't shabby.
"/>歌手:Mandy Moore
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