这首歌曲所讲述的背景故事是一个美丽的悲剧。 一对爱人深深地坠入了爱河。但是,年轻的男子很快就被召入伍,离开了女孩所在的村庄。女孩一直在等她的爱人回来,直到有个流言传入她的耳里,传说这个男子已经在一场战斗中牺牲,女孩痛不欲生,扣响了结束她年轻生命的扳机。 当年轻的男子在数年后回来,再也找不到他的女朋友。一次偶然的机会,他听闻这个女孩几年前已经嫁为人妻…… 他不停地喝着WHISKY,不停地回想所有关于她和他们的所有记忆……他失控般地哭泣,酗酒……直到最后他扣响了结束生命的扳机。 之后,人们把他们埋葬在同一个墓穴里,来赞颂这至死不渝的爱情!! 歌词&翻译 She put him out like the burnin end of a midnight cigarette She broke his heart he spent his whole life tryin to forget We watched him drink his pain away a little at a time But he never could get drunk enough to get her off his mind Until the night He put that bottle to his head and pulled the trigger And finally drank away her memory Life is short but this time it was bigger Than the strength he had to get up off his knees We found him with his face down in the pillow With a note that said I ll love her till I die 编辑于2008/10/30更新