Friday if you can see me then If I can still pretend that the night When danger over the oven speed led to the tragedy Led to the fire Comedy, danger or feeble to call I wondered why you replied It wouldn t matter if I hadn t called you over to implore You and me we had one degree Me in Astronomy and you in my trials You and me never once agreed That I d be the charity that you would dial comedy, danger or feeble to call I wondered why you replied It wouldn t matter if I hadn t called you over to implore *****--Tamas Wells----即将的中国巡演!!--***** 官方网站 官方博客 官方主页 4月1日周三南京 雕刻时光咖啡馆南京大学店 4月3日周五杭州 旅行者酒吧 4月4日周六上海 美琪大戏院 4月5日周日北京 国图音乐厅 4月6日周一成都 小酒馆芳沁店 编辑于2009/02/16更新