Musical Utopia低调重组, Musical Utopia① 主题:舞曲DJ 群号:49062191 Musical Utopia② 主题:欧美流行 群号:54705760(满员)2号群 :62131967 Musical Utopia③ 主题:亚乐先锋 群号:79876144 Musical Utopia④ 主题:泛西欧 群号:40944923 Musical Utopia⑤ 主题:抒情系列 群号:80132771 Musical Utopia⑥ 主题:新世纪 群号:77011685 Musical Utopia为音乐交流群组,喜欢闲扯、潜水的请止步,加群请注明喜欢的音乐风格及歌手,谢谢合作。Musical Utopia音乐群组,让我们一起用音乐传递彼此的温暖。 爱乐音乐论坛 聆听来自大洋彼岸的声音 品位生活从爱乐开始 歌词: Hears the baby awake leaves her feelings under the covers Another day without her lover Always finds a smile for the sunshine in her life Making tea for one, why bother? Tonight her friends are coming round She said they’re coming to hide me Tell me what they think I need Oh you know where to find me baby When you were here Our life was like a dream When you were here You loved me When you were here You编辑于2009/04/29更新