Bad Religion - Robin Hood In Reverse . Here is the church There is the steeple Open up the door Corporations are people Wait, what did he say? What the f*ck did he say? . It couldn't last They had to crash Some party's are just made that way But when the bell rings The boys will sing Swing low sweet precariat . Let's say we try to get this right Said the plutocrat to Jesus Christ And when the old fox fearing the worst Made his entrance in a hearse Then the nine in black robes all went berserk Oh yeah This is a tale of robin hood in reverse . Citizens united I was excited When the kids are united they can never be divided But that was yesterday There's a brand new sham today . Let's say we try to get this right Said the plutocrat to Jesus Christ And when the old fox fearing the worst Made his entrance in a he编辑于2010/11/29更新