作词 : 唐小俟 作曲 : WomboCombo I gonan use three language to finish this xxxxx look at this guy wearing the oversize Fat girls bad girls are not his type he is only 19 but never fuxxing mind everybody shut the fxck up he gonna start to rhyme I dont give a shit about the xxx rap Their rap makes normal people being fxxking mad i am not talking about something xxx bad you'll think I'm right when you see that There is nothing in their fxxking lyrics the only thins they want is to be richest i dont even know the english grammer and i make this shit why do Their rap suck like the fxxking cheese i cant stand listening to your dumped story All your write are sad shit and some strange melodies you always say that your life is strugle Whose life is not hard with many troubles what the fxxk you call yourself A rapper? you only got a chain and do like a stupid flapper remeber you gotta do what you write on the papper not saying keep real but keep be a fxxking liar i dont wanna Know what is your fxxking aka No matter how many rings you wear, you are still fake You guys all say you come from the street but why dont you write something about how the people live That doesn't make sense You said you liked hip-hop But everything you do looks likea stupid drama from the bottom to top that is rapper soul uh if you wanna be a rapper like me you gotta speed up 无论是boombap还是trap我都玩的更强 haters不要妄想 遮住我的锋芒 玩的不仅比你刺激还要比你疯狂 我能站着不说假话还能拍响胸膛 我的韵脚让你不停的拜倒 说老子的押韵吊 我对着你说唱 像是老子在对儿子训导 都说我命好 幸好 没遇见你这个病鸟 佞巧 没了救命稻草 还以为岁月静好 要玩中文说唱最少得把中文说棒 你那蹩脚的chinese像是盲人摸象 我随便吐出的歌词都足以乘风破浪 即使我在酒吧现在早已经酒精过量 都对我崇拜 对我依赖 说老子的说唱帅 看我的flow 那么dope call me 东方不败 不停的秀 伴奏玩透 歌词全是punchline 哥们玩的都是真的 秒杀所有双面派 同样的鼓点我在里这不停变换节奏 我所有说的唱的简直算是空前绝后 那些骂你的话你得当成忠言学透 和我battle简直是在赤手空拳决斗 如果你是灭霸那我就是钢铁侠 你是哪吒我是你师叔姜子牙 别坐立不安象是有虫子在你档里爬 听不懂我的歌上网老子帮你查 我研究说唱起源你却拿说唱取钱 那些green hand想追上我还得练上几年 说我的葡萄是酸的 没有你甜 那我最后一段verse再换个语言 我老豆老母问我最中意的东西是咩 我告诉他们听我最喜欢的东西叫做hiphop 有好多人话我还没开始迟早都要执笠 i wanan kick your ass means 打烂你得屁股 我年纪不大但是我知道做人要行 我rap玩的不久但是玩的很厉害 我妈和我讲做错事就一定要认 所有白痴一起上我都欢迎光临 shout out to欧阳靖想同他玩局十三幺 他的lay back flow你听完一定符合你的feel 如果我有十三只手我会带十三只表 就算你有十三个脑你都不够我chill 我二十岁都没我就比你厉害 想不到小朋友都可以收你的皮 你的所作所为真是激怒我们 现在教你做事你究竟知错没 谁输了谁就回自己家里 every one know那个人一定是你 what 7 u say 你还不服气? 那我爆粗口了 我想diao你老米编辑于2024/02/02更新