作词 : Kurt Kingslayer 作曲 : Kurt Kingslayer 编曲 : yung melee You break the rules 想要掀起大浪 挂着aotutune的声音怎么全是一样 Check my glock 压好子弹上膛 在地狱中沉睡了太久 I don't know what's going on 是谁给你保证起跑都在同一条线 送你条90s的黑胶供你当做参考 新生代的首发球员是该再换个教练 倒数321听我口令都给我排队站好 You guys fire the light, I gonna take it back 可笑我爬到山顶发现你们全都不在 It's my time be back, 这文化需要ignite 把指针全部清零现在轮到我杀死比赛 镀金项链on your neck时刻要保持高调 告诉我成为rapper先要换个够嘻哈的头像 实力不够人数来凑建个弱智厂牌 搭个伙吃个饭复刻版8Mile Gang Gang 不断刷新的状态 Like a home without roof 掠夺你们的财富 填充我的弹药库 系统提高负荷运转先给我通上电 我们都不是同一个等级别给我设上限 我的头脑风暴搭载Artificial Intelligence 没日没夜钻研How to make flow elegant 被诅咒的天赋make my life so priceless Under 21, but we live so reckless Sometimes so dope sometime so bad Idealism天马行空make me rich I came from the west but I got stuff on the east All those motherfukin' shits make 80 on my wrist Young King Young Boss 水晶点缀我的领带 我是限定版本你是百搭的那一款 带上你的老铁变身直播间里的奥利奥 扭一扭,舔一舔,最后再泡一泡 不用得到你青睐,感受不到你vibe 谁也别想靠近除了my people who relevant 不屑去和你比赛,能力不及我一半 卧室里半成品studio当做我的basement Broke ass car on the old town road “ohh Kurt, ohh god, why you drive so slow” Take a bow, turnning into the beast mode Welcome to the show now you can call me Castro! Ba–Ba–Back to reality I got nixxa want murder me 那些你们解决不了的难题被我killing so easily Simulating on fantasy All the haters got mad at me 想要逼着我出手I said “sorry, only emergency!” 精准打击手起刀落对你也不会是例外 在我的面前众神平等请对我保持期待 808的鼓点夹着一股土味气息 不是针对哪位你们的实力我都保持怀疑 Where you at bro? Where you at ? 我从泥泞中又站起来了Where you at ? Where you at b**ch ?Where you at ? 拜托睁大你的眼睛看清Where you at ? Where you at dog? Where you at ? 搞不清楚我来告诉你Where you at ? Where you at fol ?Where you at ? 看着我一骑绝尘now I can kick your ASS! Hell was boring 它们关不住我 闪电留下的烙印在我后背附着 施虐者的秀场深海般的折磨 剥下你的皮肤用来覆盖我的烛火 双脚不用着地就能飘过市中心 目光所致全部把我当成眼中钉 从不关心在她们眼里是不是够酷 “Game on Tango! ”Then I'll make rules I'll make rules YOU DARE TO DO THIS ?编辑于2024/02/01更新