作词 : chuck-w 作曲 : 313李云非 i ve been thought the day of living there is no red inside my pocket taking pains to earn my trust with no cash they aint gonna like it 看过太多谗言献媚 小人在捣鬼 背地泼人一身脏水还在捧人显贵 yeah 在不着调的房间里边汽水搭配牛排 野心勃勃的白痴只会靠嘴消费未来 it is enough i know 我做我自己的梦 也同样说着梦话 but it's with myself 搭配杰克丹尼习惯酒精充斥味蕾 让每个声音透过耳膜再和神经交杯 我担心没有她的时候感觉就像秋冬天 我担心无法挽回盲目游戏被抛弃的时间 未曾 尝过 孤独的滋味 在每个夜里只剩四八拍的beats听我忏悔 总有杂音在我身边停留 谁在说话 声音沙哑 意合情投? 早就看透不想坚持偏执而找出的借口 却在那双手合十的像个难民向上帝在乞求 i ve been through the day of living there is no red inside my pocket taking pains to earn my trust with no cash they aint gonna like it 形只单影感到疲倦 money honor beaty 从不停歇 take it down 不管那寒风凛冽 erday is coming 从不退却 i ve been through the day of living there is no red inside my pocket taking pains to earn my trust with no cash they aint gonna like it 凌晨四五点才入睡 hen~ 10mg的焦油量我入味 和我自己玩耍都会觉得朋友多 就连siri叫我起床都能回味 我害怕太过忘家会找不到路也没有人提醒 开始把窗门紧闭圈子缩小却弄丢了我自己 承认性格太自傲连熟人面前都要强 可看到优越感被我RUSH胜你送我两套房 god damn your peace & love 因为喜爱rap居然被骂居心叵测 所有人情世故事不关己闭口不谈 看到了冷眼旁观内心深处真的发寒 受够了太多的流言蜚语 患得患失的想要去逃避 懂得了真心难买到黄金 差点自闭到精神恍惚 受人蒙骗之后服下甲基安非他命 可是我知道这个时候我比谁都清醒 i ve been through the day of living there is no red inside my pocket taking pains to earn my trust with no cash they aint gonna like it x2 形只单影感到疲倦 money honor beaty 从不停歇 take it down 不管那寒风凛冽 erday is coming 从不退却编辑于2024/01/31更新