作词 : Lil Andy 作曲 : Young Taylor Everyday when I open my eyes I don't know where my friends at Everyday when I open my eyes I don't know where my friends at I can't see anyone anyone I don't know where my friends at I can't see anyone anyone lonely one good morning Last night we record 早已忘了睡觉 当天空开始破晓 我在虔诚祷告 拼命奔跑 老调重弹直到看见我的梦 牢牢抓住在我的手中 时间匆匆 头不回不管他是否溜走 有生之年在我的赛场投出个绝杀球 走街串巷贴满我团队红色的logo 似曾相识的循环前后左右 零下四十度严寒我把头冷冻 索性不再去犯难享受每分钟承受的担忧不算是痛 在孤独中翻个身 没人陪我等 在外面到处是不屑一顾冷冰的眼神 互相辨认 没有信任 当心灰意冷时分我将回到这里 什么都没变 静静删掉所有我在过去过分的期望 从开始到现在一颗心保持着激荡 未曾结束誓言就算one day I die but beat goes on 回头想日夜心情多起伏跌宕 But I still here花开花谢Blind and no fear 三年修炼环境天大的改变 差点放弃看不见如今受用 亏当初没离开战斗防不胜防 危机四伏遍体鳞伤无处藏 由弱到强 吃了亏上了道I am a alien the fxxking alien 5点半的地平线 依旧漆黑一片 all black in the city the road my road Do what I want I am unmeaning road and road 看不见这世界转动就像魔方 我一路走到黑一个人血脉膨胀 在假仁假义互相利用卑劣中run and run I don't want some more宁可被上帝流放 when I open my eyes I don't know where my friends at when I open my eyes I don't know where my friends at I can't see anyone anyone I don't know where my friends at I can't see anyone anyone lonely one good morning 世界转动就像魔方 我一路走到黑一个人血脉膨胀 在假仁假义互相利用卑劣中run and run I don't want some more宁可被上帝流放 去往my basement look at me but don't talk to me my baby 听就行我不需要你多激进 look at me but don't talk to me my baby 孤独是我唯一宿命 leave from me everywhere I go 就当我没去过 曾经一起走 有些话没点破 像闹鬼的那栋楼 在那里奋斗过 回到属于真的我 该拥有的生活 when I open my eyes I don't know where my friends at when I open my eyes I don't know where my friends at I can't see anyone anyone I don't know where my friends at I can't see anyone anyone lonely one good morning编辑于2024/01/30更新