Every day Minutes Seconds Moments Is important I know this now My body wants to take place in this world Capture a space here That matters Think thoughts That matter Surround myself With only such possessions And clothes And pictures And sounds That matter And I want you to understand And appreciate my ambition Desire my body Aspire my depth Admire my vivre I am pure, clean, and beautiful New to this world And ready to lead I'll walk ahead of you And show you the way I'll find us happiness I'll make you proud Of your own beauty Of your own perfect mind Because when you saw me I saw you When you touched me You felt yourself This is love And then you hate me Want to break free My body is not new anymore My mind slows down Relaxes I repeat things Coagulate You find another body I don't care So do I But I'm a ruler I will still abuse to use the art Use my power My network My riches Convince you by knowledge Experience And ability And learn from history I will defeat And conquer And lead again But all this is in future, far away But present Also in the past Where I am now I love you I am naked in front of you No embarrassment No hesitation Because I have no choice I am the starting point My body is beautiful Exciting Entertaining Or whatever I want it to be I set the standard I'll take the lead I love you But I'm ahead And you may follow Into the abyss But then you must escape编辑于2024/01/29更新