作词 : NahY0un9 作曲 : NahY0un9 Verse1 受全球变暖的气候影响 社会败类有了营养 有当中央空调的倾向 而曹操我酾酒临江 干燥温暖我保持湿寒(思涵) 这张答卷由我来评奖 这种垃圾只会靠嘴吃饭 怎么diss?我先做个示范 温室引发的元凶 一些放出热量的气体 靠社交网络联通 嘘寒问暖再藏住秘密 恰好现在是严冬 人人是暖男在演戏剧 那么Xavier就装成先锋 给弟弟们送上鲜红 诶我在说我自己 也说的是你 大家都是伪善也都想追求刺激 最好是4P 或是在大过年世袭 让我的歌词骂到你自闭 氟氯烃将结束你向你示意 三个氧原子臭得像是19世纪的慈禧 打着正面旗号招摇撞骗侮辱大家智力 诶问候几句就很暖了开始沾沾自喜 再送点礼物就很暖了“你做迈去死” Hook Yeah you are warmer. But brother, before your action i would kick you to the corner. It's hotter,because your coming is more and more shorter. You'd better apologize to the goddess stands for luv or i will murder you and send your corpse to your mother. Stop and lock it up. Like wass up im a god. The music from the box. It can punch you out off the top. But i'm also ready to rock with my shark. And don try to drive me mad. Cuz i feel like a godzilla Verse2 太多的网络暴力分不清楚正反 各种温室气体在某些短视频软件盛产 跟着节奏乱喷自以为走向圣坛 跟着我的节奏把呆子们都震撼 没有辩证的思维只能吃我的剩饭 让亚硝酸盐侵蚀你让你浑身震颤 医生说你早已中毒太深难以诊断 都好好当个人吧而不是让自己更暖 一口老痰(碳)吐在四摩尔氢上 恋爱还没开始谈呢就准备好亲上 28g的还原剂点燃成了碳氧 44g每摩尔为头顶绿色提供能量 二氧化碳排放过多导致好人都无法幸存 Xavier就是喜欢乱说打抱不平的傻逼性能 我并非 在骂人 而是夸赞 这些暖男 听清楚了吗简称非 人 赞(渣) 男 Oh it's such a worst day. 再来点wordplay 生前犯了太 多罪 (多嘴)被我给剁碎 再往里塞点peach 是最廉价的cheap 给foolish 的福 是暖男们的利是 把四通阀堵上 让中央空调的“气”死 做一些事需要真心而不是一些戏子 让我融了你们的键盘再砸烂你们机子 把你技能全部miss. Gettin' warmer get diss hook Yeah you are warmer. But brother, before your action i would kick you to the corner. It's hotter,because your coming is more and more shorter. You'd better apologize to the goddess stands for luv or i will murder you and send your corpse to your mother. Stop and lock it up. Like wass up im a god. The music from the box. It can punch you out off the top. But i'm alse ready to rock with my shark. And don try to drive me mad. Cuz i feel like a godzilla Verse3 Y'all gonna run away. Before i hit the shit to you and finish you it's not a challenge. I still rock with my bro and play the music. Though my flow is under the rubbing hit. And if you wanna **** with me i will be done. Like a stan **** with machine gun kelly. So please let me live and panda machine gonna show you the warm-man women diss. Sickin' the perfect man on the internet. ****in' your keyboard you have with the little chat Anyone who can get along with a ****-boy She must be a bitch or a ****in' bark-toy. Such a fast voice you cannot follow it not a little problem. Cuz my lyrics is not so easy to understand and totally i wrote the words without any meaning just a mumbling and it doesn't matter I just have been talking shit for more than three minutes Stop!编辑于2024/01/01更新