a change - sheryl crow ten years living in a paperbag feedback baby, he‘s a flipped out cat he‘s a platinum canary, drinkin‘ falstaff beer mercedes rule, and a rented lear botton feeder insincere, prophet low-fi pioneer sell the house and go to school get a young girlfriend daddy‘s jewel 1-a change, a change would do you good a change would do you good i think a change, a change would do you good a change would do you good god‘s little gift is on the rag poster girl posing in a fashion mag canine, feline, jekyll and hyde wear your fake fur on the inside queen of south beach , aging blues dinner‘s at six, wear your cement shoes i thought you were singing your heart out to me your lips were synching and now i see chasing dragons with plastic swords jack off jimmy, everybody wants more scully and angel on the kitchen floor and i ‘m calling buddy on the ouija board i ‘ve been thinking 编辑于2002/01/01更新