I've been running since midnight I've been talking to the fireflies Trying to find out where the night ends Where the good life and love begin Ahead I see the daylight Bullets and the sparks fly Almost to the rainbows' end Following the fireworks Almost hear my heart explode I know I will see you again So I won't let the madness and the darkness cover me I won't let the madness and the darkness cover me I won't let the madness and the darkness cover me I won't let the madness and the darkness cover me 'Coz love won't let us down(When we're so close) Love won't let us down(When we're so close) I won't let the madness and the darkness cover me (I won't let the madness and the darkness cover me) 'Coz love won't let us down Love won't let us down Love won't let us down Love won't let us down I've been running since midnight I've been talking to the fireflies Trying to find out where the night ends Where the good life and love begin Ahead I see the daylight Bullets and the sparks fly Almost to the rainbows' end Following the fireworks Almost hear my heart explode I know I will see you again So I won't let the madness and the darkness cover me I won't let the madness and the darkness cover me I won't let the madness and the darkness cover me I won't let the madness and the darkness cover me 'Coz love won't let us down(When we're so close) Love won't let us down(When we're so close) I won't let the madness and the darkness cover me (I won't let the madness and the darkness cover me) 'Coz love won't let us down Love won't let us down Love won't let us down Love won't let us down Love won't let us down 'Coz love won't let us down(When we're so close) Love won't let us down(When we're so close) Love won't let us down(When we're so close) Love won't let us down 'Coz love won't let us down Love won't let us down Love won't let us down Love won't let us down编辑于2023/12/24更新