作词 : 4 U 作曲 : Sarcastic Sounds/SanyPride Hey what's the matter honey I don't sleep cause when i do All my dreams are dreams of you And in yours you say Your teeth are falling out I don't sleep cause when i do All my dreams are dreams of you And in yours you say Your teeth are falling out 我看着手机感觉时间慢慢流失 还想起当年你说我的性格幼稚 多年之后我们可能还会在见面 即使擦肩而过我也当错看不见 智者不入爱河 这到底是为何 还不是最终有一个人会舍不得 我们每个人都应该学会放下 化为土灰的时候也会了无牵挂 I don't sleep cause when i do All my dreams are dreams of you And in yours you say Your teeth are falling out I don't sleep cause when i do All my dreams are dreams of you And in yours you say Your teeth are falling out 耗尽全部的热情可能也会爱错 问心无愧的说曾经我也爱过 可过度热情没有一个好结果 最后的结局是我自己上演飞蛾扑火 我承认我不是时光的记录者 我依然清晰记得自己来时的路 我也想要把你捧在手心爱护着 曾经我也可以为了你义无反顾 I don't sleep cause when i do All my dreams are dreams of you And in yours you say Your teeth are falling out I don't sleep cause when i do All my dreams are dreams of you And in yours you say Your teeth are falling out 一个人独自站在街头张望失了神 残酷的现实最终也学会了吃了人 我开始幻想可以逃避面前的一切 辗转反侧的熬过了一夜又一夜 朋友看我垂头丧气劝我能够振作 可最终走到最后你我都已错过 所有的感情问题都想要一笔带过 让这段悲伤的爱情故事告一段落 I don't sleep cause when i do All my dreams are dreams of you And in yours you say Your teeth are falling out I don't sleep cause when i do All my dreams are dreams of you And in yours you say Your teeth are falling out编辑于2023/12/23更新