作词 : 歡喜太郎 作曲 : 歡喜太郎 I ain't got friends that would like to eat with me(無fd食飯啊) I used to eat with them In flushing weekly(以前個個星期都係flushing食飯) Unfortunately now they eating secretly (但係他們宜家食飯都唔叫我咯) Hypocrisy,i'm not part of it(真係班衰人來噶) I ain't got friends that would like to eat with me(無fd食飯啊) I used to eat with them In flushing weekly(以前個個星期都係flushing食飯) Unfortunately now they eating secretly (但係他們宜家食飯都唔叫我咯) Hypocrisy,i'm not part of it(真係班衰人來噶) In a wechat group 我問食唔食飯 我話幾時都得 Dinner定食晏 我等等等 等足你地成晚 一個人都無復 話唔得閑都嬾 Wo why wo why we aint friends no more? Im about to cry 約出來食餐飯 Im a hunry guy 個個都甘撚忙 定係我有d kai 我type type type繼續穩朋友 Type1 嘅朋友 真係 “狠”朋友 要我家底夠厚,食撚到夠喉 I ain't got that money bro 請收口 Ay type2 嘅朋友,話幾時幾時幾時先至能夠 但係到左幾時,召喚他 難過召喚神獸,實會有事,一係唔見左銀包 Type3 嘅朋友直接無視我 同他出來食飯好似未試過 唔穩他出來他又一一喔喔 Type3 嘅朋友益可能是我 Type3 嘅朋友直接無視我 同他出來食飯好似從試過 唔穩他出來他又一一喔喔 Type3 嘅朋友益可能是我 我明嘅,唔同我食飯實有原因 好閑嗻,鬼叫我成個大鄉裏甘 個樣又吊吊揈,以爲自己好型 同他難得出一次街又鬼死甘姿整 喂,難得出得來食一次飯緊係姿整D 又話我個look點點點究竟係咪你請先 請啊請啊請你食夜粥你定係食屎 食夜粥定係食屎啊 想同撈同煲,化骨龍同千年蟲又撞到 喂,得閑食餐飯,表面ok實際 no Oh no no no no no 真係嘥氣 I ain't got friends that would like to eat with me(無fd食飯啊) I used to eat with them In flushing weekly(以前個個星期都係flushing食飯) Unfortunately now they eating secretly (但係他們宜家食飯都唔叫我咯) Hypocrisy,i'm not part of it(真係班衰人來噶)编辑于2023/12/22更新