作词 : 萨勒芬迪seraphD 作曲 : 萨勒芬迪seraphD I Wish(5IX0NE remix) I wish i wasn't fat I wish i wasn't gay I wish i wasn't black I wish that i was brave I wish,I wish,I wish with everyone candle on the cake That i could quit doin' these drugs But i can't and i'm afraid I wish that i was smart I wish that i was rich I wish it wasn't hard for me to grow up and forgive I wish that i could help I wish i wasn't sick I wish that I was Tom MacDonald,I'd be just like him (Tom MacDonald,美国饶舌歌手,因其行事大胆,言辞犀利被部分听众称为美国鲁迅) 我希望还在2019 整个世界平静依旧 大街上没有各种口罩在行走 人们拥抱他们的朋友无论在西藏还是汉口 (西藏是疫情最轻省,汉口地处武汉,为重灾区) 我可以按原计划歌曲出够四首 希望杀害李灿良的小孩可以自首 (李灿良,73岁,疫情防控人员) 当然更希望整个疫情都没有 我赞成未成年人保护法也尊老爱幼 但我不想纵容未成年人渣和宋某 (宋某,真名不详,15岁,杀害李灿良) 不想 煽动,太暗 黑的话不能说 (事发地点——山东 泰安) 电视不能播,嫌自己啰嗦 但我得shout out to死去的战士 他们的死亡该被铭记和重视 假如我像某些rapper 做着没营养的loop rap流水线的trap 我会觉得i'm broke(一文不值) 我要做我该做的说我该说的尽我所能呼唤世间的美好 wake up I wish on shooting stars, or were they satellites? Maybe they were too far I must have blown apart a million dandelions Now they don't grow in my yard 我希望未来变得更好 千疮百孔的世界恢复原有的相貌 没有哭泣的庄稼没有漫天飞蝗 没有火山喷发,没有雪山崩塌 4月5日黑曼巴科比入选名人堂 那个坚毅的男人还能上台讲话 我希望善恶祸福,皆有报应 我希望自己成为文艺复兴的但丁 (意大利文艺复兴时期诗人,著有《神曲》) 我希望有朝一日,万众瞩目 我希望我的名字能被很多人记住 我希望家人安康,朋友暴富 我希望延迟高考学子们实现抱负 我希望四海安澜,山河无恙 我希望一切谎言撕开表面的虚相 我希望,我希望,我希望,我希望你们实现你们的希望 I wish on shooting stars, or were they satellites? Maybe they were too far I must have blown apart a million dandelions Now they don't grow in my yard 希望世人所处,无漂泊苦 他乡游子四下皆是热土 希望世人所苦,皆平险阻 鳏寡孤独废疾者有船渡 希望世人所在,四处可爱 善良之人自被善良所待 希望世人所爱,不出意外 奋力挣扎者永远不被击败 I wish on shooting stars, or were they satellites? Maybe they were too far I must have blown apart a million dandelions Now they don't grow in my yard I wish on shooting stars, or were they satellites? Maybe they were too far I must have blown apart a million dandelions Now they don't grow in my yard (4月6日23时17分因故感触良多,辗转反侧彻夜无法入眠,忽记起鲁迅先生所言“能做事的做事,能发声的发声”,4月7日3时47分——5时12分,完成remix创作)编辑于2023/12/19更新