作词 : Rainbow Pocket 混音: Smockylez梨子 not enough yet give me a lot don't give a **** make me feel hot Into your cup do not stop I never give up have hundreds of watches The trunk is full of ****ing choppers It's not bullets, it is ****ing dollars 把 faker们统统都杀了 yeah 做生意从来只做大的 yeah not enough yet give me a lot don't give a **** make me feel hot Into your cup do not stop I never give up have hundreds of watches The trunk is full of ****ing choppers It's not bullets, it is ****ing dollars 把 faker们统统都杀了 yeah 做生意从来只做大的 yeah Rainbow Pocket: 裤子拉低在街上走着 周围的混子全都被我收割 这恶心的生活我早已恨透了 除了有点钱我还能有什么 可能老子是过于清醒 觉得看谁都像喝了酒精 可能是老子过于自信 成为了新组织的新首领 uh 收敛点这是我的回合 不想断头就遵守我的规则 你再呼救你狗头就要没了 别在守候别念旧变得随和 yo 受到16 DOLlarS诅咒 被我唱哭不配当我的对手 我开始发力根本不住手 把你下巴唱脱臼 uh 说大哥别管太多只管用力怼 为我准备了太多人的 DNA 你还在学加法我叱咤 NBA 老子打的太狠没人敢跟我对位 见到我的混子第一瞬间就下跪 说大哥饶我别让我地位再下坠 兄弟要么洗澡要么多喷点香水 你身上的臭味能把我给吓退 uh uh not enough yet give me a lot don't give a **** make me feel hot Into your cup do not stop I never give up have hundreds of watches The trunk is full of ****ing choppers It's not bullets, it is ****ing dollars 把 faker们统统都杀了 yeah 做生意从来只做大的 yeah not enough yet give me a lot don't give a **** make me feel hot Into your cup do not stop I never give up have hundreds of watches The trunk is full of ****ing choppers It's not bullets, it is ****ing dollars 把 faker们统统都杀了 yeah 做生意从来只做大的 yeah Wakee Upp: 名誉和金银财宝还不够 我们的胃口实在大的让你猜不透 Hustle hustle everday with my bro 把绊脚石都清理掉然后接着走 我就像罗斯轻松把你过掉 每段都爆炸 verse里装着火药 听完我的 verse你就像是磕了药 我们到达终点时你还说着笑 Clean the pussy out Mouth like a rifle shoot it out Fake friendships我从来都不需要 Hater们不要再计较鸡叫 实力太过强大学不会低调 当我把麦克风举到我的胸前 滚烫的 flow像是熔岩 一般的涌现 Punchline像是一记重拳 打到你的脸上让悲剧再重演编辑于2023/12/16更新