作词 : Gyrie/不是Jason Todd 作曲 : Gyrie/不是Jason Todd 一群好兄弟 在我身边 说到早餐 爱吃生煎 没到十八 生活悠闲 经常幻想 赚点小钱 尽管没有跑车也可以vroom vroom 拿着水枪也可以砰砰 到了大晚上 音乐整晚放 上台很闪亮 从不关心落日更爱早起的艳阳 我在巷里生活长大有个家 不算很穷 钱也够我花 妈妈从小教我做人别自大 跑的太快 饿了就吃士力架 回到学校 成绩也没多好 讨厌试卷 当然除了会考 每节课上 期待的是周末 陪着哥们 回到那ddm !!! 太多的异性都往这儿靠 以前也想左拥右抱 但现在没时间 要回家陪着宝贝睡觉 快乐烦恼围绕在我身边转 笑容皱眉平淡在我脸上换 虽然没有钞票 时不时欠债 早上偶尔祷告 自由自在 太多球鞋没有上脚 太多游戏没有玩到 还得钻研篮球技巧 没有时间一直烦恼 春夏秋冬更替我已长大 也想逃离社会也想不被绑架 我所想要守护的可能不叫美好 所有爱我的人 他们脸上的笑 还有楼下的猫 So I start this without hestation Am I being kind just for recognition Or am I ****ed up sold my good intention My classmate told me I should hold my positon But I just sit by lake It's pretty late The owl is awake Guess normal life is far away Only you can help me to while away Now I'm far away from you The cloud is always blue This world is ****ing playing my good Thinking while I'm passing through our school Wanna check you out nah **** I'll just wander through and duck Find me a place where I can tuck Got a view of a mountain so I climb up There's bunch of lost souls Put a thousand lighters in the sky for the outsidaz Wow,I must had Alzheimer's Long time since I shouted it out Bout time Cuz it's been on my mind lately how Jogy,you always support me You vouched,I'll never forget that and how you guys The Shepherds and CHA you see I love you too I must've unscrewed my pivot Pills control my limits Desperately try to dial out No one would pick up the phone I guess that's why people call it solitude I always wanted to get time back in my hand So maybe I could hold you again Jogy I'm sorry it feels I got chopped into limb Everything just looks so ****in' weird Like god just put a ****ing dart on me Joining by the dark sovereign Mentally raped through their plan **** did I do I saved her now that's my render Then I'ma kill you since you claim ****ing liars lie to me since it begin So this world sucks I can go with it And take all the ****ers who did shit to me I'll grab a rifle and put my rage in it And shoot it right at you for five minute 看看你眼前 看看你身边 尝过黑暗的人会跑在最前面 摆脱掉束缚 看清你路途 真正的自由才会换来灵魂的注入 Come on man now shut your crap They want you get banned and your spine get snapped You wanna op man that's your chosen plan Don't wanna act like mad don't wanna see you bland 确实存在敌意 生活依然继续 这个世界并不处处沾满污垢 转头看看吧 爱让人赞叹啊 只有父母永远站在你身后编辑于2023/12/14更新