Tom Rosenthal - The Meaninglessness of Numbers
I couldn't count the lines upon your face
Left no trace the moment's gone
I couldn't count the steps that it took
And all the moves that led to you
That's the meaninglessness of numbers to me
The ones the twos the threes fly with the breeze
Amount to none infinity plus one
The figures of the news the boundless blues
A secret lies in every soul
That's the meaninglessness of numbers to me
I couldn't count the who's the how's the where's
The glances shared the blinking eye
Oh the morning trains
The midnight pains all add up to make a life
That's the meaninglessness of numbers to me
I couldn't count the times the wines the names
Oh life is not a numbers game
Give me a million or give me one I do not care
I only care that it begun
That's the meaninglessness of numbers to me
That's the meaninglessness of numbers to me编辑于2023/12/13更新