作词 : 无 作曲 : 无 【郑云龙 Zheng Yunlong】 《空中的繁星 The Array of Stars》- 推理音乐剧《小说》中文版 海剧会编曲伴奏 编曲相关: @怪怪DL 歌词整理: @墨村奥迪特 英译整理: @随便的浪花 @雨后看-见彩虹 @不是少女依然沉湖 策划/调配:郑云龙海外音乐剧友会 *海剧会版权所有,自娱自乐无商用,未经允许请勿他用,感谢配合。 站在无人街区 Standing in the unmanned neighbourhood 喧嚣的城市变得 The hustle and bustle city has become 如此安宁 peace and silent 月光透过乌云 Through the dark clouds, 唱着动听的旋律 moonlight is singing a beautiful melody 前方的路渐渐清晰 The road ahead gradually becomes clearer 拖着疲惫不堪的身躯 Dragging my exhausted body 跟随来自心底的声音 Following the voice from the bottom of my heart 任命运捉弄,我坚信 Let the fate play tricks on me, I believe 黑夜尽头,会迎来黎明 till the end of the night, dawn will appear 空中的繁星,给我指引 The array of stars, please guide me 带我去找寻 take me 穿梭在无边的银河 to shuttle in the endless galaxy 去探求存在的意义 to explore the meaning of existence 哪怕只有一线生机 even though there is only a slight chance of survival 我会努力争取 I will strive for it 批判罪恶,永不停息 Criticizing the sin and never stop 是最好的证明! This is the best proof! 空中的繁星,给我指引 The array of stars, please guide me 带我找到你 Take me to find you 不断地向黑暗靠近 Keep approaching the darkness 去探求生命的真谛 To explore the true meaning of life 哪怕只有微弱呼吸 Even with only weak breathing 我绝不会畏惧 I will never be afraid 对抗不公,抗争宿命 Fighting against the injustice, against the fate 是最后的证明! This is the last proof!编辑于2023/12/07更新