作词 : Kenstin/lil wing 作曲 : Kenstin/lil wing So put the camera all around me Dripping diamond 24k need no salary So put the camera all around me Get my picture put it in a place where the people all can see So put the camera all around me Standing on the top yeah we gonna make it rain So put the camera all around me Drink my juice trapping flow driving with my ferrari lilwing: Check one two one two 歌词就像是amber 100%的纯度在音响里面翻滚 for the real 拿态度做底气才能够站稳 扣动扳机是因为目标早就已经看准 drip drip dont care就算是被他们叫做"ching chong" haters keep judging我也照样不放心上 you know现在对比历史早就已经变样 可以在台上拿麦唱出黄皮肤的骄傲 放弃我的人怎么可能骂的够 ang but now I represent the hiphop you're total none all the pray for me你只配待在后场 用纸笔打破所有梦中虚假的构想 用行动赢下自己的奖杯他们都看得到 转身一个箭步避掉他们的烂的套 want the real hiphop不是葫芦假的药 从来没有焦虑因为没事情办不到 So put the camera all around me Dripping diamond 24k need no salary So put the camera all around me Get my picture put it in a place where the people all can see So put the camera all around me Standing on the top yeah we gonna make it rain So put the camera all around me Drink my juice trapping flow driving with my ferrari Kenstinwar: Flash zoom 我在闪电之中穿过 相机聚焦太烂 它们就是拍不到我 I dont care about shxt 幕后黑手尽情操作 西服搭配sneaker我扮演着莱昂纳多 进账太多全部打我卡里 Shout out to Cardi B Who you wanna be 瞳孔放大 马上鼓起 放眼望去 一切没有意义 假的真不了 真的也会轮不到你 人生如戏 注视这场交易 为什么小心 Kenstin和 lilwing 一套组合拳击打烂你的躯壳 没得 光脚不怕你穿新鞋 当今社会娱乐至上换取respect I know the world was changed on yesterday 无法改变时局We cant delay 当狗好玩吗奖励你颗strawberry 写不出啥子有诗意 不做你爱的风格 我只做我自己 满足了你的需要 贪得无厌的人 早就被披露原形 想找个盔甲 虚伪皮套把你武装 We do it supreme songs 我的部队正在路上 Loser weaking down 与生俱来 我的配方 你水平还低 仅有几斤几两 So put the camera all around me Dripping diamond 24k need no salary So put the camera all around me Get my picture put it in a place where the people all can see So put the camera all around me Standing on the top yeah we gonna make it rain So put the camera all around me Drink my juice trapping flow driving with my ferrari编辑于2023/12/07更新