作词 : Mr_Saturn 作曲 : Mr_Saturn 录音:Mr_Saturn Mix: Jady 母带:Jady Beat by bbbluelee Not very good with people. If you don't start a conversation, we won't have one. Hey girl,你不知不觉出现我眼前 许多次偶然遇见我都记在心里面 想打声招呼可是你视而不见 像病毒无情吞噬我心一点点 下雨天,想拍你背影留纪念 只可惜我还没有抓住那一个瞬间 想办法靠近你的身边 要怎样才能表达我对你的心愿 Hey girl,每当你偶尔经过我身边 淡淡的香水味深深地沁入我心田 你的眼神像在对我放电 让我丝毫无法摆脱对你的眷恋 我还是没有勇气变得再主动一点 这氛围尴尬让我感觉有些像从前 我不能再这样一次次抛弃我的信念 要迈出第一步哪怕一切只是昙花一现 Hey babe, have you ever been lost in your dreams? To get your treat, I have been being that shape. See? All the things I want to say is right here. Maybe, I have to be more active and let you see my preparation. You know that many nights I tried to pray. Ah Yeah, Just want to be with you all the way. I can do nothing without missing you all day. But the fact in your eyes is just like a trick. It seems like it's all my fault. But, all I wanna do is to make you know my thought. I wish I could take the step which can change your mind and make your ridiculous decisions go to west. Hey babe, have you ever been lost in your dreams? To get your treat, I have been being that shape. See? All the things I want to say is right here. Maybe, I have to be more active and let you see my preparation.编辑于2023/12/07更新