作词 : 斯威特Sweet 作曲 : 斯威特Sweet 编曲 : SuperWang Beat 混音 : 官硕 母带 : 官硕 和声 : OG高 时间轴:知一白 翻译:张千C.Jam 我又喝多了在今晚有应酬的酒局 I've drunk too much again. There's a Social Wine Bureau tonight 一个人摇摇晃晃从酒吧里走出去 I staggered out of the bar by maself 酒店离我很近只有1公里 西安12月的城里 Da hotel is very close to me, only 1 km away. Xi'an City in December 一个十岁的女孩蜷缩风里 A ten year old girl curled up in da wind 他问我 大哥哥你买花么? She asked me “buy some flowers please” 我说我不需要因为身边的人只有我一个 I said I didn't need it because I was da only one around me 她表情失落而我浑身酒气 Her expression was lost n I was drunk 问她为什么天都快亮了明天不用上学么 I ask her it's almost dawn. Don't you have 2 go 2 school tomorrow 她说给我10块钱你就能得到 She said give me ten Yuan n you'll get a 一束已经快枯萎的玫瑰花 bunch of roses that r dying Damn 可怜的人呐可怜的我 Damn poor man poor me 我不知道怎么能说一句拒绝她的话 I don't know how 2 say no 2 her 顺着她脖上挂的二维码扫了20块 Swept 20 Yuan along da QR code hangin on her neck 输入密码的时候感叹脑子喝的有点坏 I sighed that ma brain was drinking a mess up when I entering da password 吵闹的街道我只想赶紧离开 I just want 2 leave da noisy street 她却拿着花追了上来 说哥哥你的花别忘了带 But she caught up wiz her flowers n said don't forget 2 bring ur flowers 小女孩 你睡没睡 Lil girl did u sleep 风吹着你的侧脸特别美 Da wind blows on your side face, which is very beautiful 看这个世界也很醉 Look at da world is also very drunk 愿你的心没被伤碎 May ur heart not be broken 她的眼睛对比酒吧街的灯光也不暗淡 Her eyes were not dim against da lights of da bar street 酒精的作用下整个城市的节奏放慢 Under da influence of alcohol, da pace of da whole city slows down 透过她的举动我看见了我和你 I saw you n me through her actions 推销自己的产品和能力常忙到傍晚 Promote their products n capabilities, often busy until da evening 本该漂亮的花成了利益的媒介 Da beautiful flowers have become da medium of interests 为自己过去讨厌的人变成自己而费解 It's hard 2 understand we become 2 da people we used to hate 我买了全世界的花也无法救他 I couldn't save her even I bought flowers all over da world 谁能帮我为了几张合同喝到吐出胃液 Who can help me spit out stomach juice fo several contracts 可你是如此的美丽 But you r so beautiful 没洞悉这条路上恶魔的诡计 Didn't understand da devil's tricks on this road 屠龙的少年们注定会与恶龙为伍 Da young people who kill dragons r destined 2 be wiz dragons 麻木的你我他追寻所谓成功的轨迹 Numb you me n him,pursues da track of so-called success 我们和你一样 很像 We just like u,we all da same 以为卖完这朵花就能回到轻松的地方 Thought that could go back 2 a relaxed place after sellin this flowers 不知所有生命的给予都暗中标下了价格 I wonder if all lives have been secretly priced 棱角被磨平看这个世界有了异样 Da edges n corners have been flattened. Look, da world is different 小女孩 你睡没睡 Lil girl did u sleep 风吹着你的侧脸特别美 Da wind blows on your side face, which is very beautiful 看这个世界也很醉 Look at da world is also very drunk 愿你的心没被伤碎 May ur heart not be broken god bless me 钱不能改变她的命运 God bless me ma money can't change her fate 我也一样多努力也无法改变我城市的命运 me same,no matter how hard I try I can’t change da fate of ma city 20块对我来说很容易 20Yuan r really not a big deal fo me 我们和这个小女孩一样无法改变自己的命运 Like this lil girl, we can't change our destiny 多大的名气 多少钱的利益 Money n fame 其实都是对着梦想白费力气 It's all in vain 2 dream in fact 你给我多少钱也无法把我的城市拯救 No matter how much you pay me,I still can't save my city 我看到的是北方的秋天老气横秋 What I see is autumn in da north, old-fashioned 女孩呀 我又何尝不是你同伙 Girl, How did u know that Im not like u 为了把这些鲜花推销出去在周末 2 sell these flowers on da weekend 图的是什么在夜里犯着困惑 What is da point that I'm confused at night 套在你我脖子上的链子想拼命挣脱 Da chain around you n ma neck is tryin 2 break free 谁能够救你 谁能够救我 Who could save u?Who could save me? 在摆脱着一切前还需要世界的雕琢 Before gettin rid of everything, we still need the carvin of da world 我会带你离开这个该死的窘境 I'll get you out of this damn dilemma 却又逃脱不了出生就带的属性 But we can't escape da attributes we brought at birth 最后一个堂吉柯德 Da last Don Quixote 追逐着风车路边的人笑我疯了 People chasing windmills on da roadside laughed at me fo bein crazy编辑于2023/12/06更新