作词 : 金石 作曲 : 金石 编曲 Nigh7$ 录音/制作 杨秋儒 Loud music seeps from blue-glowing bars, neon lights spills onto icy sidewalks but I hope you are not there oh baby tell me what to do I’ll do the s**t for u after we’ve broken up my life is like countless bottles more precious than Rolls-Royce want your priceless shadow hope your heart ain’t hollow oh baby tell me what to do I’ll do the s**t for u 烟雾从他的嘴中慢慢地喷吐 是删除的记忆 残留着心灵的温度 回味她体香的细腻 他的影子还是年轻的样子 走不完的巷子 我看不到尽头 留孤单在酒瓶口, 那便这样子 对白天的不甘 余晖把他的幼稚和不堪都发酵成醋酸 在樱花烂漫的富士山 可我无法释然 不想她陪another boy喝梅子酒 掉进了回忆的冰窟窿却找不到一个新出口 yeah 反复琢磨着以前夜幕下的倾诉 我好想住在一个时间凝固的冰库 对她的思念和期许或需要时间来降解 回到了起点再不见成不了灵魂的伴侣 NoNo Loud music seeps from blue-glowing bars, neon lights spills onto icy sidewalks but I hope you are not there oh baby tell me what to do I’ll do the s**t for u after we’ve broken up my life is like countless bottles more precious than Rolls-Royce want your priceless shadow hope your heart ain’t hollow oh baby tell me what to do I’ll do the s**t for u girl don't run away bad habit 别学会 the world is freezing outside so never run away lately I have been thinking of u day dream however I have nothing to lose how are u these days heard you had a another boy oh baby I want to fall in love with u by romantic ways and you will by my side watch the sun to rise Hennessy加冰块 and with some little white lies back to the LA 我思绪如潮水 你是我的宝贝 是怪我的冒昧 玫瑰失去了香味在恋爱中遭罪 不再当你的堡垒 一切被争吵捣毁 are you my soul mate 他们说酒精麻痹神经可我却越喝越变得清醒 Loud music seeps from blue-glowing bars, neon lights spills onto icy sidewalks but I hope you are not there oh baby tell me what to do I’ll do the s**t for u after we’ve broken up my life is like countless bottles more precious than Rolls-Royce want your priceless shadow hope your heart ain’t hollow oh baby tell me what to do I’ll do the s**t for u 封面拍摄 宋辞 封面制作 RMIT堂姐编辑于2023/12/04更新