作曲 : Tom Cardy Now and then We all get a thought that stops us in our tracks Am I leaving to my full potential? Or am I holding myself back? You gotta stop with that shit ‘cause you’re P P Perfect Shake off that analyze paralysis Paralysis If you need some help to see Take a lesson from Space They say “Pluto’s not a planet” Do you think that Pluto gave a s**t? Pluto is not gonna quit ‘Cause Pluto can take a hit And Pluto knows what Pluto is And Pluto knows that Pluto’s H.S And you know Pluto knows it “ I won’t ever be a planet, It don’t matter ‘cause I know that I’m still H.S And you’re H.S too so get out of Your brain and just do what your supposed to do” H.S And you know Pluto knows it Expect some ****in’ magic From the Dwarf Planet H.S And you’re H.S too so get out of your way And just do what you were born to do Before Pluto got wise and said “ Gosh dangit ” It’s true Pluto was jealous of them Big other planets But did you know that Jupiter is the biggest by far Was also jealous ‘Cause the dorks on earth Called him a failed star The stars that he was jealous of Was called our Sun, Who was herself consumed with thoughts That she would never become A Big Black Hole She would constantly chase the dream to be so big That she could eat time and space 10 quadrillion miles away a place The Sun could not see, there sat a bad b***h sucking up reality who turned her gaze into the center of our galaxy And said when I’m supermassive yeah I’ll be happy But the biggest baddest supermassive thing to exist Spun in the middle of them all and said I think I’m seeing s**t I’ve seen a perfect protostar I’ve seen a triple quasar but I’ve never seen a Dwarf Planet Go this hard H.S And you know Pluto knows it “I don’t need to be a planet ‘Cause I know that I'm still worth it baby” H.S And you’re H.S too So stop doubting yourself And just feel this cosmic groove H.S And you know Pluto knows it Expect some ****in’ naughty From this heavenly body H.S And you’re H.S too So look up to the stars , The universe was made for you Now and then I get the thought That stops me in my tracks Am I taking about space too much? I should really try to cut back I’ve gotta stop with that s**t ‘cause I’m P P Perfect Space is f**king cool And so are you If you let me talk about space with you H.S And you know that I know it I won’t ever be an astronaut But I’m still hot like Halley’s Comet H.S And you’re H.S too So let’s shoot for the stars I’ll bet we Land on the Moon H.S Do you like my space metaphore H.S Would you like to know what I use it for? To prove to you that you H.S too Now get out of my room And show this planet what H.S do H.S编辑于2023/09/20更新