作词Lyrics:BigPerry / 阿敏 作曲Composing:BigPerry / 阿敏 编曲Arranger:BigPerry I was walking in the square of France. 好多事情在我心里流过 After another 20 hours 我就会见到那个好朋友 Those memories of the past can't be played. 有些难受 Because my ex is a gay man and he just got a boy friend he just got a boy friend boy friend 他找到了他的真爱 he just got a boy friend boy friend da da da da da he just got a boy friend boy friend 他找到了他的真爱 he just got a boy friend boy friend I was sitting by the window 有些情绪藏在心里难以言喻 尽管他有选择权利 但爱得潇洒需要勇气 所以不用太顾及 没有谁会了不起 爱得不易 放下脾气 去催眠自己 he just got a boy friend boy friend 他找到了他的真爱 he just got a boy friend boy friend da da da da da he just got a boy friend boy friend 他找到了他的真爱 he just got a boy friend boy friend 点上一杯咖啡 想着他的故事 才明白情到深处 可以把性别无视 感情无法强求 就不要太固执 有些关系 未必只到 好朋友为止 he just got a boy friend boy friend 他找到了他的真爱 he just got a boy friend boy friend da da da da da he just got a boy friend boy friend 他找到了他的真爱 he just got a boy friend boy friend 混音Mixing:BigPerry / 阿敏 和声Harmony:阿敏 制作人Producer:IN Productions 监制Executive Producer:BigPerry 录音Recording engineer:BigPerry 录音棚Recording studio:IN Productions 混音工作室Mixing Studio:IN Productions 母带Master:IN Productions OP:杭州威徕特文化创意有限公司 SP:杭州回声文化艺术策划有限公司编辑于2023/08/29更新