作词 : methamino 作曲 : 恶法lex injusta My precious aftermath Came back from exile, we failed with the hindsight 放逐者归来,在后见之明中迷失 I think it’s useless, lost without a clue 无证可循,一无是处 I think it’s senseless, the only thing you can do is to watching 不可闻知,唯有旁观 but you were more than blind. 但或许胜于盲目 That time I saw bloody night sky 那时血染的夜空 Have been hit twice 被再次炫亮 it’s too late to feel our pain 太晚了,你体会不到我们的痛 Что вы хотели, чтобы мы сказали? 你还想要从我们这问出什么 Precious aftermath x 4 “珍贵”的余波 Why is it predestined 这怎会是先定 В чём виноваты 又该向谁归责 but we won be afraid “赢来”的只是恐惧 Пора домой,счастливая пора 来一起开心地回家吧 the war was back there even wasn’t a faint cry. 战争再临,却无恸哭 Bad omen will back return trip one mile. 恶魔的重游在迫近 Didn’t think (that we)had a chance 未曾考虑逃离的可能 maybe we’re breathing, got that from bonding 或许只是在奴役下喘息 That time I saw bloody night sky 那时血染的夜空 Have been hit twice 被再次炫亮 It is too far out of range. 这远超理解范围 Что вы хотели, чтобы мы сказали? 你还想要从我们这问出什么 Why is it predestined 这怎会是先定 В чём виноваты 又该向谁归责 but won be afraid 却赢来恐惧 Пора домой,счастливая пора 来一起开心地回家吧编辑于2023/05/11更新