作词 : Spylent 作曲 : Spylent 编曲 : HYPER MUSIC 混音 : TU JZ They push around, like“ Who to clown at?” Brood and pound 如果你瞄得太高他们说 “ Put it down!” 在窝里挤的同时手在护着床 我只想 move to远方耀目的 town Talk, talk,他们叫着“菜鸡!” 我听不到你得叫得更卖力 快接着叫接着靠阴阳怪气 快接着闹接着叫一个会计 Better count my dough and count my宇宙 不懂这生意却提供到了与众不同的声音 从此这丛林多了新风景 方圆几公里闻得到蜂蜜 Sweet ain’ t it? And my feet ain’ t gonna抬起 允许我玩玩这些地雷怕它都炸不到 倘若你不介意可以 抬头看看那是我会到达的地位 嘘 secret 有一天我拨通 TA的号码 猜测着这次能够坚持几秒 不需要免提 TA的声音大 TA说你得照做你需要听话 你需要道理你需要听下 你需要平稳你需要大厦 你需要领结你需要发蜡 我说我需要手机没信号 或者我需要你 shut up Ride around, it came around. I don’ t need no time to hang around 如果你也在动荡里疯狂地碰撞 Know I’ m with you Put your hands up and say: Heyyyy! 如果被堵住了肺呼吸变得累 A bit of afraid Don’ t be afraid YAYAYA 是烟花在 bang bang bang bang bang! Ride around, it came around. I don’ t need no time to hang around 如果你也在动荡里疯狂地碰撞 Know I’ m with you Put your hands up and say: Heyyyy! 如果你被世界诽谤你会不会 A bit of afraid Don’ t be afraid YAYAYA 是烟花在 bang bang bang bang bang! Now if y’ all wanna fly away to chase a brighter day Just say yeah yeah yeah~ If y’ all wanna cry away the pain just buy a plate To hold them tears But it won’ t work, cuz it’ s a freaking plate What’ d you need? Some advice or something wise to help you see? I know you’ ve already got answers to all of them questions Talk to them, kid 我不想走你们走过的路线 你的阳关道对我是条破烂的街 人满为患我就再扩充一些 每当我拿起笔本子就多了一页 我宁愿活成风中漂泊的树叶 也不愿合合格格地做个麦片 被盒子裹着坐等判决 最后被落落魄魄地泼进碗碟 海底、 bar里、颠簸的桥面 像 Eggy Party我在坡上跳跃 当我戴起耳机说唱一夜 不在意盘里有多少的 tears 我怎么选凭的是我的感觉 道理再大也无法主宰我的世界 当我获得了机会我会豁出一切 Let it pour, let it roar, and of course, I’ ma win! Ride around, it came around. I don’ t need no time to hang around 如果你也在动荡里疯狂地碰撞 Know I’ m with you Put your hands up and say: Heyyyy! 如果被堵住了肺呼吸变得累 A bit of afraid Don’ t be afraid YAYAYA 是烟花在 bang bang bang bang bang! Ride around, it came around. I don’ t need no time to hang around 如果你也在动荡里疯狂地碰撞 Know I’ m with you Put your hands up and say: Heyyyy! 如果你被世界诽谤你会不会 A bit of afraid Don’ t be afraid YAYAYA 是烟花在 bang bang bang bang bang! 封面:杜传杨编辑于2023/04/02更新