作词 : PRC曹维洲 作曲 : PRC曹维洲 hook something is in the air i feel it(周围的空气开始变得不一样了) something is coming near i feel the change(我感觉到他在向我靠近) I want to explore it(我想知道他的一切) dont want to ignore it (不想忽略) we are on the edge of something (我们都处在他的边缘) but so high i wanna look down(站在高处俯视) we are on the edge of something(我们都处在他的边缘) we are on the edge of something(我们都处在他的边缘) verse look the song I wrote for you (这首歌我为你而写) 活在地狱 抬头仰望上帝的人 look what u made me do (看看生活对我干的好事) 不断用酒精 麻痹蜕皮的疼 its a test (像是测试题) sometimes i just wanna put a gun on my head to cut this pain (有时我想了解自己) I dont wanna win (我并不想胜利) 耳边的声音在说u are going through the changes(经历的变化) i am making doing my job even no one pay for me no dreaming (但行好事 不问前程) keep waking (保持清醒) my life isnt just business (生活不止苟且) I hate(我厌恶) 他们把我孤立 孤寂的度过每一个日夜 我也不需被理解 like Tesla(人名) 我只想要照亮黑暗的世界 raised by moonlight die in night dream(在月光下诞生 把生命装进黑夜的行李箱) drug keep me too alive to feel the real pain (音乐使我脱离生活的痛苦) yall like the real shit and I do like the same (我并非在特立独行) but king of underground what a damn name (只是不愿意吹嘘自己的头衔) like a air crash plane (像是一架坠毁的飞机) 废墟中 一切早 不复存在 u never see me talk probably u dont know i only talk to the voice inside my head (因为思考是我个人的喧嚣) hook something is in the air i feel it(周围的空气开始变得不一样了) something is coming near i feel the change(我感觉到他在向我靠近) I want to explore it(我想知道他的一切) dont want to ignore it (不想忽略) we are on the edge of something (我们都处在他的边缘) but so high i wanna look down(站在高处俯视) we are on the edge of something(我们都处在他的边缘) we are on the edge of something(我们都处在他的边缘) verse 无数次 凝视深渊 纵身 跌入谷底 回忆中的 一蹶不振 自暴自弃 也要鹏程万里 那时不知 上天的安排 另辟蹊径 早就埋下伏笔 经历过的绝望 痛苦无比 但我庆幸走来一路有你 现在你听 年少的我 摇摇晃晃也曾不可一世 你听 现在的我 磕磕绊绊学会了孤注一掷 像剔除了神经的心脏 把希望扛在了肩上 撕下面具来迎接光亮 面具却永远戴在了心上suffer a lot(经历) from the fire (烈火)from the pain(痛苦) from the lier 我无所谓 from the ghetto(街道) from the streets (生活的地方) from my school (学校)和部队 from my lover (爱人)from homies(朋友) from my parents(家人) from my enemies (敌人) from the power that u gave me (赐予我的力量) from the 过去 forever change me (永远的改变了我) hook something is in the air i feel it(周围的空气开始变得不一样了) something is coming near i feel the change(我感觉到他在向我靠近) I want to explore it(我想知道他的一切) dont want to ignore it (不想忽略) we are on the edge of something (我们都处在他的边缘) but so high i wanna look down(站在高处俯视) we are on the edge of something(我们都处在他的边缘)编辑于2023/03/27更新