TBD - (K)Now_NAME Lyrics by:(K)NoW_NAME:AIJ Composed by:(K)NoW_NAME:Makoto Miyazaki Arranged by:(K)NoW_NAME:Makoto Miyazaki Up on a creek nothing to oar 漂浮在小溪上 没有工具可以划桨前行 Give it a whirl down for the count 尝试一番 却落得彻底的下场 Breaking a leg is just what I need 一帆风顺 正是我需要的结果 Necessity? Legitimate? Drawing the line? 非做不可吗 这合法吗 划定界线吗 It doesn't matter 无关紧要 Step up your game take the lead and carry out 迎头赶上 遥遥领先 付诸行动 Straight from the horse's mouth I found it already 我已经找到确切可靠的情报 It is a piece of cake 简直就是小菜一碟 Cut to the chase I don't got time to waste 切入正题 我不会浪费一分一秒时间 Won't let go till I get what I need 绝不轻易放弃 直到我得到我需要的一切 Playing by ear is my specialty didn't you know? 随机应变就是我的看家本领 难道你不知道么 The hope is smogy 希望渺茫 Time is a thief chasing rainbows 时间就是窃贼 追逐着彩虹 Will I succeed? This one I know 我是否会取得成功 我已经知道结果 It's will or will not 这是我愿意与否的问题 Not can or cannot 而不是我能否做到的问题 Curtain of night fell upon us 夜幕降临在我们身上 No suffering is no miracle 不经历重重磨难 奇迹怎会降临 Solitary action for me is cakewalk 对我来说 单打独斗就是轻而易举的事情 Bite the bullet call it a day go back repeat 忍辱负重 今天就到此为止 回到起点 重新开始 Always facing music 总是直面悠扬的音乐 Cry for the moon is what you always do 你总是不自量力 异想天开 You should know no one can stop me 你应该知道我势不可挡 Come rain and shine that is what I always do it's true 风雨无阻 这就是我的行事风格 这一切都是真的 Hook line and sinker 深信不疑 Cut to the chase I don't got time to waste 切入正题 我不会浪费一分一秒时间 Won't let go till I get what I need 绝不轻易放弃 直到我得到我需要的一切 Playing by ear is my specialty didn't you know? 随机应变就是我的看家本领 难道你不知道么 The hope is smogy 希望渺茫 What's your secret? 你的秘密是什么 What's your secret? 你的秘密是什么 Try to keep it I will keep it 试着保守秘密 我会守口如瓶编辑于2022/06/05更新