Five Little Friends Song5 - 巴塔木儿歌 (Badanamu) Five little friends go tap tap tap Five little friends go clap clap clap Five little friends go jump jump jump Five little friends go bump bump bump Five little friends go round and round Five little friends fall to the ground Four little friends go tap tap tap Four little friends go clap clap clap Four little friends go jump jump jump Four little friends go bump bump bump Four little friends go round and round Four little friends fall to the ground Three little friends go tap tap tap Three little friends go clap clap clap Three little friends go jump jump jump Three little friends go bump bump bump Three little friends go round and round Three little friends fall to the ground Two little friends go tap tap tap Two little friends go clap clap clap Two little friends go jump jump jump Two little friends go bump bump bump Two little friends go round and round Two little friends fall to the ground One little friend goes tap tap tap One little friend goes clap clap clap One little friend goes jump jump jump One little friend goes bump bump bump One little friend goes round and round One little friend falls to the ground编辑于2021/04/14更新