Twisted - Big Daddy 词:Big Daddy 曲:DevilYeah Be yourself and in any case No one can hurt you Nothing is impossible Don't worry oh my baby We are your patronus Yes we are we are we are Don't worry about that We are we are 擦干眼泪就向前走 你是否有过在被窝里偷偷落泪 你不太懂为何每次都要和自己作对 不然就是伤了别人的心 还不住手 做着叫别人不要做的事 还让兄弟住口 No doubt 你很清楚你自己口是心非的模样 像你这种**根本不配去玩说唱 整天说着 keep it real 你到底哪里 keep it real 就算你掌握 skill 但人品根本没得救 hold up chill Nothing is impossible Don't worry oh my baby We are your patronus Yes we are we are we are Don't worry about that We are we are 擦干眼泪就向前走 从一开始你就该清楚 鱼和熊掌不可能兼得 最终也只会还是不完整的拼图 就像你整天摆弄那些音符 让你失去了你最爱的女人 也见识到什么叫兄弟反目 的敢怒不敢言的结果就是 揭完短处还在伤口上撒盐 的极度弱智行为 uh Dear lord can you feel me My dear lord 上次发自内心的笑是什么时候 早不记得 我习惯在深夜享受着用孤寂来折磨 孤僻的自己 也有点像是出气 问着自己 服不服气 万一有朝一日拥有了一切 还会不会感觉就像是一败涂地 等着看笑话的人告诉他们别笑 没有人会在同一个地方又跌倒 可如果说这一切真的只是过程 为何镜中人的感觉熟悉又陌生 Nothing is impossible Don't worry oh my baby We are your patronus Yes we are we are we are Don't worry about that We are we are 擦干眼泪就向前走 擦干眼泪就向前走编辑于2021/03/15更新