望京 Pt.2 - 黑羊 (BlackSheep) 词:黑羊 Y'all looking for a fancy life It's not a big dream like the paradise U better get your sit belt fasten and tied Come on for a ride let you touch the sky Picture and imagine yourself Feeling free Listen and follow to the chilling beats and walk on the street Like me and my homies sharing love and the peace 望京 is the place to be 该怎样表达 概括这都市 是月光狡黠 抑或是精致布置 抑或是 讲述故事 不可复制 与那些错过的 落寞独自播放着 再一次注视 伤心回忆纪念册 多数结伴行 但如今只剩一个 独行客 03年一直到现在 有些人健在 另一些被淡忘或离开 祝愿你安息 从一开始冲动叛逆 像新生萌芽懵懂儿童 初次站立 到反复经历 猜忌遮住光 之后又看见光 带来希望躲避 暴风雨和颤栗 的毋庸置疑 是午夜每条望京的路 这是充满爱与和平 最棒neighbor的hood 她使我平复 情绪 在停歇后再闲庭信步 停驻 精力倾注 以赴冲破禁锢 And that's true Y'all looking for a fancy life It's not a big dream like the paradise U better get your sit belt fasten and tied Come on for a ride let you touch the sky Picture and imagine yourself Feeling free Listen and follow to the chilling beats and walk on the street Like me and my homies sharing love and the peace 望京 is the place to be 我曾从 阜通东走到望京西站 在麒麟社曾有过未来依伴 却终离散 曾经面对望京SOHO 描绘憧憬期盼 也曾在丽都饭店门前 买醉喝得稀烂 我了解 师大附中打球翻墙暗道 也知道 悠乐汇的几楼 藏着脏的暗号 走过 拾荒老人居住 望京街的地下通道 见证湖光中街 便利店的少妇育儿变老 从橘子汁大红果宣召夏日的赴 到北京还会下雪 那会儿窗户哈出的雾 从望京西园四区吉兆居酒心灵归宿 到花家地西里 被拆除后又归来 小笼包子铺 从未止步 still representing my hood 我代表南湖东园 和这所有走过的路 还有太多 景色 时间 人物 走过 刻录在记忆胶卷带 此刻却不及概述 然而 当我回望 在将抵达奔三的彼岸 所有曾悲伤 遗憾 羁绊 如繁星化入银河 只剩美好的片段 正如爱你敌人像爱你的爱人 耶稣预测的 不管 金窝银窝不如家的狗窝 谁能不向往相拥家人生活 在每个夜晚街旁路灯为迷途人点亮 望京 指引我前行的方向 eh come on Y'all looking for a fancy life It's not a big dream like the paradise U better get your sit belt fasten and tied Come on for a ride let you touch the sky Picture and imagine yourself Feeling free Listen and follow to the chilling beats and walk on the street Like me and my homies sharing love and the peace 望京 is the place to be Y'all looking for a fancy life It's not a big dream like the paradise U better get your sit belt fasten and tied Come on for a ride let you touch the sky Picture and imagine yourself Feeling free Listen and follow to the chilling beats and walk on the street Like me and my homies sharing love and the peace 望京 is the place to be 望京望京望京编辑于2021/03/09更新